
  • Valquiria Palmira Cirolini Wendt Unilasalle


Digital activism, right of women, feminist movements, intersectionality, suffragist


The article makes an approach, initially on a criticism of formal equality used by human rights, making a correlation with the use of the term 'woman' in a universal way and, in this context, an analysis of intersectional feminism, in search of the concretization of guarantee of equal rights for all women and, through a description of its waves, observe how the feminist movements have shaped over two years in the digital age. Likewise, it will objectively be verified, through bibliographic research, in what dimension the Internet can be a tool that produces and amplifies intersectionality, capable of generating transparency and making non-traditional feminist guidelines emerge, constituting the fourth wave of feminism from Brazilian perspective? Being in a hurry, that there is still no consensus on the existence of a fourth wave of the feminist movement, or that it appears in contemporary times, it is a movement that we see multiplying in various trends and that, through the Internet, has been given space for these voices, which I recently tied up, were practically silenced. Therefore, it would be necessary and relevant to carry out critical research on the subject, especially so that the voices of women (of all) continue to occupy these spaces that have already been occupied and so many others that still must be occupied.


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Author Biography

Valquiria Palmira Cirolini Wendt, Unilasalle

Doutoranda e Mestre em Direito pela UNILASALLE, Canoas-RS. Bolsista CAPES.  Professora na Academia de Polícia Civil do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul – ACADEPOL e na WB Educação. Inspetora da Polícia Civil no RS.


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How to Cite

CIROLINI WENDT, V. P. REDEFINING BORDERS:: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL FEMINISM AND THE NEED FOR INTERSECTIONALITY IN VIRTUAL NETWORKS. Revista Eletrônica Direito & TI, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 17, p. 98–121, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.