Digital meta-evidence:
duality in the chain of custody involving electronic devices and digital evidence
Chain of Custody, Electronic devices, Digital Evidence, Digital Meta-Evidence, Digital ProofAbstract
Technology is increasingly present in our daily lives and it is no different in the legal environment. The increase in the amount of digital information stored in electronic devices is vertiginous, which are involved in investigative procedures, considered as digital evidence. They are documents, images, videos, audios, any type of information stored in binary format. In view of this, the present work aims to present the main characteristics that involve these files, and consequently their manipulation, with a focus on guaranteeing the integrity of their content. The study seeks to describe how digital evidence can and should be obtained and, mainly, considering the recent (2019) change in the Code of Criminal Procedure regarding the chain of custody, to present the concept that involves the duality of this chain of custody when the manipulation of digital evidence, considered meta-evidence, obtained from electronic devices which are intrinsically present in our society and, given their importance within procedural matters, must be handled correctly in order to maintain the validity of their probative value.
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